Labor economics seeks to understand the functioning and dynamics of the markets for wage labor. Labor markets or job markets function through the interaction of workers and employers. Labor economics looks at the suppliers of labor services (workers), the demands of labor services (employers), and attempts to understand the resulting pattern of wages, employment, and income.
In economics, labor is a measure of the work done by human beings. It is conventionally contrasted with such other factors of production as land and capital. There are theories which have developed a concept called human capital (referring to the skills that workers possess, not necessarily their actual work).
There are two sides to labor economics. Labor economics can generally be seen as the application of microeconomic or macroeconomic techniques to the labor market. Microeconomic techniques study the role of individuals and individual firms in the labor market. Macroeconomic techniques look at the interrelations between the labor market, the goods market, the money market, and the foreign trade market. It looks at how these interactions influence macro variables such as employment levels, participation rates, aggregate income and gross domestic product.
Your heart's just missed another beat
The ground's still moving neath your feet
Your mouth is dry, your eyes are sore
There is nothing certain anymore
You thought that History was dead,
Well it's just whacked you on the head
It took your money, and you're right
It's coming back to take your pride
Golden days are just a memory
But that's all right cos the market is still free,
The market's free.
Survival of the fittest is a swizz
Law of the jungle is what it is
I hope you still think it's OK
Now it's you who are the prey
Golden days are just a memory
But that's all right cos the market is still free,
The market's free.
Free marketeers were on a roll
Rolling in silver and in gold
But then the market grew too cold
So they held out the begging bowl
Golden days are just a memory
But that's all right cos the market is still free,
The market's free.
You thought that History was dead